Aalborgs legendariske aktivitetshus og spillested, 1000Fryd, er lukningstruet og har brug for din hjælp! Som følge af en naboklage skal huset gennemgå en massiv renovering, der løber op i flere millioner, og de penge har 1000Fryd ikke.
Stedet har de sidste 40 år haft uvurderlig betydning for Aalborg som by og for alverdens musikalske undergrundsscener både nationalt og internationalt. Det hele er båret oppe af de hundredvis af frivillige ildsjæle, der igennem årene har engageret sig i og udviklet sig med stedet.
1000Fryd er vigtigere end nogensinde og vil gøre alt for at overleve, men vi har brug for din støtte.
Vi modtager ethvert bidrag med kyshånd og er evigt taknemmelige for jeres hjælp.
Vil du donere direkte, kan det også gøres via bidrag til vores bankkonto på 1551-4930179574. Husk at skrive, hvem afsenderen er.
Alle som donerer, uanset beløbets størrelse, kommer på vores store takkeliste i porten.
Aalborg's legendary activity house and venue, 1000Fryd, is in danger of closing and needs your help! As a result of a neighbor's complaint, the house must undergo a massive renovation that costs several million, and 1000Fryd does not have that money.
For the past 40 years, the place has been of inestimable importance for Aalborg as a city and for many different underground music scenes, both nationally and internationally. All made possible by the hundreds of passionate volunteers who over the years have engaged in and developed with the place.
1000Fryd is more important than ever and will do everything to survive, but we need your support.
We welcome any contribution and are eternally grateful for your help.
If you want to donate directly to us, it can also be done via a contribution to our bank account on 1551-4930179574. Remember to write who the sender is.
Everyone who donates, regardless of the size of the amount, will get its name our big thank you list in the gate.
Throughout the past 40 years, many people have had personal and shared experiences at 1000fryd!
We want to save 1000fryd, because it is full of history and it contributes greatly to the cultural life in Aalborg.
Det er svrt at f helt styr p Liturgy. De bliver hypet, som bandet man SKAL se i hjembyen, de ligner en flok hipsters, de har spillet sammen med Dirty Projectors, Dan Deacon, og Gang Gang Dance, men de spiller BLACK METAL. Den er god nok. Guitarerne hvser derudaf, trommerne hamrer af sted, og den forpinte vokal kmper for at trnge igennem stjen alts de spiller black metal, men s har de bare et eller andet udefinerbart ekstra, der gr, at de ogs appellerer til alle mulig andre, der normalt ikke hrer black metal. Mske er det fordi sangskriver, guitarist og sanger i bandet hedder Hunter Hunt-Hendrix. Muligvis det sejeste navn, der nogensinde har optrdt p 1000Fryd.
Til at stte ljerne i gang har vi inviteret det kbenhavnske powerviolence band Shitcomet, der har indget en alliance med ligeledes kbenhavnske Skip Tooth. Resultatet: Der er skruet gevaldigt ned for tempoet og kraftigt op for stjen, i bogstaveligste forstand. Skip Tooth gr sig normalt i harsh noise/power electronics og tilfrer Shitcomet en syrlig, ondskabsfuld kant. I den forbindelse er de superhurtige superkorte sange skrottet til fordel for de lange og tunge, der til gengld er gjort endnu lngere, sledes at koncerten nu er 20-30 minutters veritabelt stjhelvede i knusende tungt tempo.
-------->Tjek video her og der!
Liturgys debutplade, Renihilation, skabte en del rre sidste r, s vi lader lige pressen f ordet:
NY Times Pagan Dawn Top Songs of 2009 (Ben Ratliff)
Brooklyn Vegan Honorable Mention (BBG)
Stereogum Honorable Mention (Brandon Stousy)
Popmatters Best of 2009 (#16)
Village Voice Best Local Music of 2009
Impose Best of 2009 (#10)
Metalsucks Best of 2009 (#17) (Satan Rosenbloom)
Scratch The Surface Best of 2009 (#1) (David Alexandre)
Chronic Youth Best of 2009 (David Castillo)
SpeedGlueAndMusic Best of 2009 (#2)
Skeletons & Candy Best of 2009 (#2)
Crustcake Best of 2009 (#9) (Crustcake Gerf)
Liturgy are the first black metal band that truly embodies the ghosts of New York. They play metal like its a minimalist downtown art/life/religion project in the tradition of dronemasters Glenn Branca, Rhys Chatham and La Monte Youngs Dream Syndicate. Through their own brand of growling, gnarling, lightning-fast black grind, Liturgy try to find euphoria through dissonance, repetition and volumeturning metal nightmares into something ready for the Dream House. Chris Weingarten, Village Voice (online YIMBY column)
In all, [Renihilation] is an incredibly intense and interesting record, which rewards re-visits and regularly leaps, triumphant, from whatever box you were about to deposit it in. Its broken, desolate, storming and ferocious, whilst at the same time coming across as knowing, and cunning as a fox. The composition will fascinate you, the drumming will absolutely floor you, and the listening experience will be one you are keen to repeat and share this is one of my favourite releases from across the Atlantic this year. 89/100, Ellen Simpson, Hierophant Nox
Liturgy is a transcendental black metal band from Brooklyn, NY. Their music is an ecstatic affirmation of becoming and an assault on the floating malaise of contemporary information-age life. The ebb and flow of their churning, swarming rhythms and melodies both models and fosters the eternal flux. Appearing on countless "best of" lists in 2009 (NY Times, Impose, Popmatters etc.), Liturgy have gained a reputation of being one of the most innovative underground acts coming out of New York right now.
They draw influence from, and comparison to, products from many ages and disciplines the solemn 11th century chants of Perotin, the allegorical prophecies of Blake, the apocalyptic vision of Scriabin, the mass-media spirituality of Jodorowsky, the cataclysmic transcendence of Glenn Brancas post-minimalist collective no-wave drones. But there is nothing eclectic about Liturgys music. They dig to the core of black metal to drink from its purest essence, only to create it anew, reinventing it as what it truly is by connecting it to a broader transcendental tradition.