Aalborgs legendariske aktivitetshus og spillested, 1000Fryd, er lukningstruet og har brug for din hjælp! Som følge af en naboklage skal huset gennemgå en massiv renovering, der løber op i flere millioner, og de penge har 1000Fryd ikke.
Stedet har de sidste 40 år haft uvurderlig betydning for Aalborg som by og for alverdens musikalske undergrundsscener både nationalt og internationalt. Det hele er båret oppe af de hundredvis af frivillige ildsjæle, der igennem årene har engageret sig i og udviklet sig med stedet.
1000Fryd er vigtigere end nogensinde og vil gøre alt for at overleve, men vi har brug for din støtte.
Vi modtager ethvert bidrag med kyshånd og er evigt taknemmelige for jeres hjælp.
Vil du donere direkte, kan det også gøres via bidrag til vores bankkonto på 1551-4930179574. Husk at skrive, hvem afsenderen er.
Alle som donerer, uanset beløbets størrelse, kommer på vores store takkeliste i porten.
Aalborg's legendary activity house and venue, 1000Fryd, is in danger of closing and needs your help! As a result of a neighbor's complaint, the house must undergo a massive renovation that costs several million, and 1000Fryd does not have that money.
For the past 40 years, the place has been of inestimable importance for Aalborg as a city and for many different underground music scenes, both nationally and internationally. All made possible by the hundreds of passionate volunteers who over the years have engaged in and developed with the place.
1000Fryd is more important than ever and will do everything to survive, but we need your support.
We welcome any contribution and are eternally grateful for your help.
If you want to donate directly to us, it can also be done via a contribution to our bank account on 1551-4930179574. Remember to write who the sender is.
Everyone who donates, regardless of the size of the amount, will get its name our big thank you list in the gate.
Throughout the past 40 years, many people have had personal and shared experiences at 1000fryd!
We want to save 1000fryd, because it is full of history and it contributes greatly to the cultural life in Aalborg.
Signed p det enegelsk label Big Scary Monsters og med deres udgivelse "Hollow Realm" med i bagagen lover vi, at du ikke kan st stille! Talons har delt scenegulve med navne som Japandroids, Three Trapped Tigers, Manchester Orchestra, Male Bonding, 65 Days of Static, Guns, Future of the Left, Rolo Tomassi, Grammatics, Johnny Foreigner og Frank Turner, s noget m de jo kunne!
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Shaking Sensations fra Kbenhavn er ogs med p vognen med deres atmosfriske og drmmende instrumentale postrock. Hele balladen kan med lethed placeres p samme hylde som gode sager som Mogwai and Godspeed You! Black Emperor.
De fem herrer har allerede spillet sammen med bands som Caspian, Russian Circles, And So I Watch You From Afar og Gifts From Enola, og med debutalbummet "This Is Your Hellfire Region" under armen er der lagt op til store ting i den nrmeste fremtid!
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Talons are an instrumental band, who call the backwater town of Hereford their home. Forging explosive energy, delicate subtleties and fractured song structures, Talons possess a fascinating sense of urgency and drive, with a sound that both soothes and savages in equal measure.
Talons are not a post-rock band, nor are they a math rock band. Talons, are Talons. The six-piece are best experienced in a live environment, where the visceral, raw energy of their music can be fully appreciated.
Signed to UK independent label Big Scary Monsters, debut single The Pearl was released in August 2009, followed by a series of limited edition split singles. An anthology containing all works by the band, entitled Commemorations was released in September 2010.
Danish post rockers, The Shaking Sensations, is five young gentlemen playing dreamy and atmospheric instrumental rock. The band remain faithful to the genre itself and their universe evolve through elaborate build-ups and mesmerizing crescendos somewhat simple melodies, which gradually turn into epic duels between life and death and finally culminate in a beautiful, often deafening, chaos. The motive power in the music is the contrast between the hushed and fragile on the one side, and the violent energy outlets on the other. The band has been together since 2005 and now resides in Copenhagen, Denmark