Aalborgs legendariske aktivitetshus og spillested, 1000Fryd, er lukningstruet og har brug for din hjælp! Som følge af en naboklage skal huset gennemgå en massiv renovering, der løber op i flere millioner, og de penge har 1000Fryd ikke.

Stedet har de sidste 40 år haft uvurderlig betydning for Aalborg som by og for alverdens musikalske undergrundsscener både nationalt og internationalt. Det hele er båret oppe af de hundredvis af frivillige ildsjæle, der igennem årene har engageret sig i og udviklet sig med stedet.

1000Fryd er vigtigere end nogensinde og vil gøre alt for at overleve, men vi har brug for din støtte.

Vi modtager ethvert bidrag med kyshånd og er evigt taknemmelige for jeres hjælp.

Vil du donere direkte, kan det også gøres via bidrag til vores bankkonto på 1551-4930179574. Husk at skrive, hvem afsenderen er.

Alle som donerer, uanset beløbets størrelse, kommer på vores store takkeliste i porten.


Aalborg's legendary activity house and venue, 1000Fryd, is in danger of closing and needs your help! As a result of a neighbor's complaint, the house must undergo a massive renovation that costs several million, and 1000Fryd does not have that money.

For the past 40 years, the place has been of inestimable importance for Aalborg as a city and for many different underground music scenes, both nationally and internationally. All made possible by the hundreds of passionate volunteers who over the years have engaged in and developed with the place.

1000Fryd is more important than ever and will do everything to survive, but we need your support.

We welcome any contribution and are eternally grateful for your help.

If you want to donate directly to us, it can also be done via a contribution to our bank account on 1551-4930179574. Remember to write who the sender is.

Everyone who donates, regardless of the size of the amount, will get its name our big thank you list in the gate.



Throughout the past 40 years, many people have had personal and shared experiences at 1000fryd!

We want to save 1000fryd, because it is full of history and it contributes greatly to the cultural life in Aalborg.

Friday the 1st of April 2016 / kl 21:00 / GRATIS entre
Don't (us)
Singvogel (dk)

Forsalgsbillet: Tryk her!

Don't is melodic garagepunkrock with female vocal fra Portland i USA. We're talking about a bit of Gun Club meets The Gits meets The Wipers, nothing less! Dont is a surf-tinged garagepunk group featuring members of Napalm Beach and the Wipers and fantastic singer Jenny Dont, whose voice has the same throaty, dark quality as a young, hungry Siouxie Sioux.

Don't stirs up a musical witches brew with powerful songs that defy easy classification; sometimes dark and eerie, sometimes punk and surfy, but always melodic. The band formed in Portland in 2009 when Jenny Don't (lead vocals, guitar) was introduced to drummer Sam Henry (The Wipers,Napalm Beach, The Rats).

Guitarist Kelly Gately along with bassist Dave Minick (Napalm Beach) were roped in, and the result was a genre-blurring blend that opened a Pandora's box of musical touchstones. A live presence to be reckoned with from their very first show, the band quickly built an enthusiastic and loyal following across the Northwest.

Singvogel er tilbage p 1000Fryd med et giftigt miks af punkrock, blseinstrumenter, pop og kontrolleret kaos.

Singvogel er snerrende monosynth, elmandolin p melodi og knasende lydvg, melodisk og sonisk fremmedartet elektroklarinet, basklarinet og freaksaxofon, kogende trommer, fuzzguitar og ord direkte fra forstaden Aarhus nord om dunkle visioner i linje 7 (nu 2A), hverdagsparanoia, hrvrk mod kommunen, lyst og lede.

Gruppens lyd er f.eks. beskrevet sdan her i Terminal Boredom - amerikansk musikmagasin:

...a ton of character from the bass clarinet, which gives it a real creepy vibe that plays well off of the wall of sound the rest of the band put up all rhythm and drive. Super solid recording ... it really has a catchy momentum to it. Sort of grim, but not evil sounding, very European/hinterlands.