Vi har fået påbud fra kommunen om, at vi ikke længere må spille højt til koncerter - i praksis vil vi ikke længere kunne spille livemusik, hvilket er grundlaget for vores driftstøtte og eksistens.

Nabobygningen er opført med utilstrækkelig lydisolering, og under byggeriet advarede vi om, at det kunne føre til problemer, og det er nu gået i opfyldelse.

Vi har en underskriftskampagne her -


We have received a request from the municipality, stating that we can no longer play loud music at concerts - this means in practice that we can no longer play livemusic, which is the bedrock of our existence.

The neighboring apartments have bad sound isolation, which is something we warned about, when they constructed it.

There is a signature campaign here -


Throughout the past 40 years, many people have had personal and shared experiences at 1000fryd!

We want to save 1000fryd, because it is full of history and it contributes greatly to the cultural life in Aalborg.

Sunday the 8th of May 2005 / kl 19:00 / GRATIS entre
Settlefish (i) +
Bought Landings (lok)

Indie rock fra deep elm records...og fra Aalborg! Drop søndagsfilmen, drop Onside, og drop for guds skyld den tyske stil for denne søndag er indie søndag.

Endelig er det lykkedes for os at få fat I de italienske indie stjerner fra Settlefish, og sørme om ikke de bakkes op af de lokale helte fra Bought Landings. Der er lagt i kakkelovnen til en supersøndag med både snedig o behagelig rock. Hvis du ville ønske at hver dag var International Karate-dag, så vil du elske det her.

Settlefish spiller musik, der kan være svær at placere genremæssigt. Den overordnede genre er indie, men musikken rummer elementer fra pop, math rock, og måske lidt post hardcore. I deres forsøg på at indfange Settlefish, nævner flere anmeldere bands som Modest Mouse, Built to Spill og Flaming Lips. Settlefish udgiver deres musik på det meget anerkendte amerikanske label Deep Elm (the Appleseed Cast, Planes Mistaken for Stars, Slowride, Last Days of April Starmarket mm), og deres mange liveshows har givet dem et ry som et uovertruffet liveband. Deres seneste udspil ”The plural of the choir” har modtaget et væld af fantastiske anmeldelser. Læs disse og lyt til pladen ved at følge linket til bandets hjemmeside.

Aalborgensiske Bought Landings spiller en mere ligefrem indie rock end Settlefish, men da de sidst spillede på 1000Fryd sammen med Paperbacks, beviste de, at de kan levere et yderst medrivende liveshow. Siden har de spillet flere shows i Aalborg og det skal blive en fornøjelse at se, hvad de har til os denne gang. Følg linket, og lyt til et nummer fra deres nye cd ’the cold caught a breeze’.

Anmeldelser af Settlefish:

"Italy's Settlefish access the right amount of honesty and poignancy, and they've managed to at once do something different and do something right. Creating music that's culled directly from the heart, the quintet's explosive sound could come from none other than their own." - Alternative Press

"Settlefish create a sense of panicked urgency from the moment the listener hits play. Deep Elm comes up trumps once again, unsurprising indeed, but still never ceasing to impress. Settlefish's music is raw, it's real, there's no facade and no boredom, just utter brilliance." - Rock Sound

"Settlefish, perhaps one of the most difficult bands to classify on Deep Elm's always extensive roster, has been evolving. And while the brilliance of the band's debut may have been too often overlooked, here's hoping the brilliance of The Plural Of The Choir will not. Settlefish's style is a study in contrast and complexity. Embracing post hardcore and math rock equally with indie rock and stylistic experimentation, this perfectly produced (Brian Deck) sophomore release goes from aggressive and powerful rock to epic moments of flowing melodic beauty with a deceptively simple grace. The sound is distinctly American indie rock: aggressive and intricate, yet discordant and powerful, with perfect vocals and a sound that builds on classic indie rock and hardcore styles. It's a wonderful evolution of a band's sound, and it's so much fun to see." - Delusions Of Adequacy

"Settlefish's ambitious second record, The Plural Of The Choir, is a novella of ideas that plays almost as a dramatic narrative. These fifteen songs are poison-tipped arrows seeking to destroy that rat bastard Cupid. Settlefish explore the four corners of the heart. Sometimes with sweat dripping from their brows (Kissing Is Chaos) other times with a glass of delicious red wine (Second Week Of Summer). But throughout these flowing songs is an undercurrent of quirky guitar parts and unusual vocal parts that shows a devotion to similar sonic pioneers Modest Mouse and Built To Spill. Take the arctic desolation of The Appleseed Cast and plug into the oddities of Modest Mouse, and you're getting warm on the sound of The Plural Of The Choir. Welcome Italy's first great band." - Culture Bunker

"Settlefish manage to captivate on The Plural Of The Choir with their diversity, mood laden atmospherics and emo tinged melodic tunes all topped with outbursts of hardcore energy and lyrics that could win you a PhD. You can chill, break your heart, bang your head against the wall and gain a degree, all in one album. Now that is a record you can devour! I hear elements of Flaming Lips and Bikini Atoll in the atmospherics, the unmistakable jolts and splutters of At the Drive-In and hints of Albini in their post hardcore mesh. What you have here is a complex hardcore album that you can get your teeth into." - Damn Pest