Vi har fået påbud fra kommunen om, at vi ikke længere må spille højt til koncerter - i praksis vil vi ikke længere kunne spille livemusik, hvilket er grundlaget for vores driftstøtte og eksistens.

Nabobygningen er opført med utilstrækkelig lydisolering, og under byggeriet advarede vi om, at det kunne føre til problemer, og det er nu gået i opfyldelse.

Vi har en underskriftskampagne her -


We have received a request from the municipality, stating that we can no longer play loud music at concerts - this means in practice that we can no longer play livemusic, which is the bedrock of our existence.

The neighboring apartments have bad sound isolation, which is something we warned about, when they constructed it.

There is a signature campaign here -


Throughout the past 40 years, many people have had personal and shared experiences at 1000fryd!

We want to save 1000fryd, because it is full of history and it contributes greatly to the cultural life in Aalborg.

Thursday the 11th of August 2005 / kl 19:00 / GRATIS entre
Ironbitchface (CAN) + PolModPol (8k) + (Sound of Impact)
Uha uha.... Barikader din dør og dine vinduer, hold dine børn indendøre og vov dig for guds skyld ikke i nærheden af 1000fryd denne aften... Ironbitchface fra Canada kigger nemlig forbi, og lur mig om det ikke bliver det ondeste show i meeeeeget lang tid. IBF er grind/noise/blackmetal/punkrock i en herlig blanding, tilføjet stjernepsykotisk liveoptræden med improvisationen i højsædet. Tænk Anal Cunt's grind møder Cock ESP's show, og tilføj så lige et par jomfruofringer og en stridsøkse og du er ved at være tæt på. Men der er ingen grund til at tage mine ord for gode varer, læs da disse reviews i stedet :

IRON BITCHFACE Enter the Goatheaded God (Independant, This is the most demonic record of 2005. It’s also the best record of 2005. Right now, Wolf Eyes are listening to this and crying because they don’t have a song as good as the title track or “Sacrificial virgins upon a bloody altar for the dark master". I’ve been following these guys since I was subjected to their hit, “Bryan", roughly seven times at a show in Kitchener during a split-city 30-hour speed binge; I wasn’t ready for this though – literally budda-budda drums and buzzsaw metal riffs with unintelligible fuzzy shrieking and completely insane and Down-Syndromey keyboard solos, with probably five true total mindmelts where you punch the air or yell “Of course!” or “It STARTED with the drum beat!” as opposed to what usually gets called mind melts which is when the Comets on Fire record was just a bunch of guitar soloing… no, these are real melts, where the world seems sort of dull and vaguely disappointing compared to the way it seemed when the melt happened. What I’m saying is that this record is like going really hard for 30 hours. “This is a song about a guy named Bryan! It’s called… BRYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!” –MATT FUCKING COLLINS File next to: Serious people can never, ever, be this serious.

og ros'en fortsætter:

Fuck Your Mother's Arm Review Space Junkies Magazine Where to begin? Is the first question that formulated in my mind when I set down to review this album. This is the first Iron Bitchface album I've been subjected to, I'm sure more are on their way (and I can't wait to hear them). However this isn't your typical album in any regards! I admire this band for their uniqueness and for subjecting me to a new style of music. Music is no longer about how long you can make a track, but by how short you can make it, yet still get across all you want in under one minute. The longest track on this album is a little over 2 minutes,however most of the tracks come in under 40 seconds! Ya, you're probably sitting there thinking, how can you even classify a 40 second track as being a song? Well,why not? I rather listen to 40 seconds of awesome brutal music then 30 minutes of boring monotonous sounds - but that's just me. Their music itself is very harsh bordering on harsh noise, hard rock and various forms of grind/death metal but yet it seems to stand its own ground as being uniquely its own style of music. I love it, but its definitely not for everyone! The only other band that comes to mind in the similarities department is another Canadian based band Fuck The Facts. Rating: 9/10

Og bedst som du troede galskaben stoppede her, tog du fejl, for vi er selvfølgelig også leveringsdygtige udi opvarmning til denne fine aften. Den berømmede og/eller berygtede pigeduo fra Egaa (insisterede selv på denne betegnelse) PolModPol kommer nemlig til byen og spiller op til dans, og/eller spiller smart.... Har tidligere optrådt adskillige gange på 1000fryds blodstænkte scene, men tjek link'et nedenfor for mp3 og andet sweet gejl....

(Sound of impact) er pedalsmadr i overdrevet udført af en gal mand fra Irland.... De skarpeste af jer har nok opdaget at Stanken er forsvundet fra showet, da det viser sig at han hellere vil snitte sig i armen og vælte i mudderet med grisene i stalden....

Alt i alt står dette fornemme arrangement i 25 gode danske kroner, men det er du vel for nærig til at spendere for at se noget originalt musik + show, eller? Duk dig ikke, duk op, eller lad være, os nihilister er faktisk ret ligeglade....