Vi har fået påbud fra kommunen om, at vi ikke længere må spille højt til koncerter - i praksis vil vi ikke længere kunne spille livemusik, hvilket er grundlaget for vores driftstøtte og eksistens.

Nabobygningen er opført med utilstrækkelig lydisolering, og under byggeriet advarede vi om, at det kunne føre til problemer, og det er nu gået i opfyldelse.

Vi har en underskriftskampagne her -


We have received a request from the municipality, stating that we can no longer play loud music at concerts - this means in practice that we can no longer play livemusic, which is the bedrock of our existence.

The neighboring apartments have bad sound isolation, which is something we warned about, when they constructed it.

There is a signature campaign here -


Throughout the past 40 years, many people have had personal and shared experiences at 1000fryd!

We want to save 1000fryd, because it is full of history and it contributes greatly to the cultural life in Aalborg.

Friday the 12th of June 2020 / kl 22:00 / GRATIS entre
Art Room:
Christine Hvidt: Tusmørke (Aura no. II)

Facebook Event

(dansk forneden)

// COVID 19 Disclaimer //

In order to keep everybody safe, this project takes place in an outdoor area. No more than 30 people are allowed to take part in the experience each day, and we encourage everyone to practice social distancing during our 1 hour together. Participants should bring warm clothes and something to sit on if they wish.

Tusmørke (Aura no. 2) is a light installation that combines artificial and natural light at the transition from day and light, to night and darkness. With a starting point of the exact time of the sunset, a twilight composition will explore the relationship between light and darkness, natural and artificial light in the ‘light-specific’ context of Nørresundby waterfront.

With the invention of electric light the darkness has become alien and unfamiliar to us and we can easily avoid it especially in the cities. This has allowed for activities during all time of day, and light pollution is becoming an increasing problem that distorts the biological rhythms of ecosystems and living organisms including humans. Light is information and clarity. Light and movement draw our attention. And in the information society the highest value lies in where we focus our attention. What happens if the darkness is invited back into the consciousness? Not many generations ago there was a time where the darkness was a crucial element in everyday experiences. Especially in the North the darkness would fill most of the day in the winter. In the darkness there is space for imagination to unfold, and in the unknown — space for uncertainty and the ambiguous.

// BIO //
As an artist, Christine Hvidt (b. 1989) thinks with and through the different media and the languages of visual and sonic multimedia expression. With a fascination for systems theory, design and organizations, and its wide-ranging spectrum from digital, computational systems to biological organisms and ecosystems she often engages with relations such as the conception of human and nature; artistic and scientific practices; natural and artificial systems. Her position is anchored in finding ways for the sensory knowledge to earn more recognition as a way of knowing. It is through the sensory apparatus that we experience the world and therefore the bodily experience is essential to understanding our reality. She received a BA from Art and Technology at Aalborg University in 2019 and is currently situated in Vordingborg.

Tusmørke (Aura no. 2) er en lysinstallation, som kombinerer det kunstige lys og det naturligt svindende dagslys i overgangen fra dagen og lyset mod mørket og natten. Fra det tidspunkt, hvor solen netop er gået ned undersøger tusmørke-kompositionen forholdet mellem lys og mørke, og mellem det naturligt fremkomne og det elektriske, kunstige lys i ‘lysspecifikke’ omgivelser ved Nørresundby havnefront.

Med opfindelsen af det elektriske lys er mørket efterhånden blevet fremmed for os, og vi kan nemt vælge det fra især i byerne. Det har muliggjort en livstil med aktiviteter alle døgnets timer. Lysforurening er et tiltagende problem, der skævvrider den biologiske cyklus og rytme for økosystemer og organismer heriblandt også mennesket. Lys er information og vished. Lys og bevægelse fanger vores opmærksomhed, og der er i informationssamfundet stor kamp om vores opmærksomhed. Men hvad sker der, hvis vi lader mørket trænge ind og giver det plads? Det er ikke mange generationer siden, at mørket udgjorde en fundamental del af menneskets daglige virkelighed. Om vinteren fyldte mørket det meste af dagen i Norden. I mørket får fantasien frit spil og det uvisse rummer det slørede og tvetydige.

// BIO //
Som kunstner tænker Christine Hvidt (b. 1989) med og gennem visuelle og lydlige sprog og medieudtryk. Hun udforsker ofte relationer mellem menneske og natur ; kunstnerisk og videnskabelig praksis; og naturlige og kunstige systemer gennem en stor fascination af systemteoretiske koncepter, design og organisering, der spænder bredt mellem digitale, computergenererede systemer og biologiske organismer samt økosystemer. Hendes praksis tager udgangspunkt måder, hvorpå den sensoriske viden kan vinde større anerkendelse som en vidensform i sig selv. Det er gennem vores kropslige sanseapparat at vi oplever verdens og den kropslige oplevelser er derfor grundlæggende for vores oplevede virkelighed. Hvidt færdiggjorde Art and Technology, BA, på Aalborg Universitet i 2019 og bor for nuværende i Vordingborg.