Vi har fået påbud fra kommunen om, at vi ikke længere må spille højt til koncerter - i praksis vil vi ikke længere kunne spille livemusik, hvilket er grundlaget for vores driftstøtte og eksistens.

Nabobygningen er opført med utilstrækkelig lydisolering, og under byggeriet advarede vi om, at det kunne føre til problemer, og det er nu gået i opfyldelse.

Vi har en underskriftskampagne her -


We have received a request from the municipality, stating that we can no longer play loud music at concerts - this means in practice that we can no longer play livemusic, which is the bedrock of our existence.

The neighboring apartments have bad sound isolation, which is something we warned about, when they constructed it.

There is a signature campaign here -


Throughout the past 40 years, many people have had personal and shared experiences at 1000fryd!

We want to save 1000fryd, because it is full of history and it contributes greatly to the cultural life in Aalborg.

Saturday the 12th of March 2022 / kl 20:00 / entre 60 DKK
King Khan Unlimited (CAN/DE/FRA)
support TBA

***POSTPONED*** All tickets still valid to future date. More info soon

Facebook Event
Pre-sale ticket


Canadiske King Khan er kendt fra legendariske King Khan and The Shrines, men har nu samlet en all-star besætning i sit nyeste ensemble King Khan Unlimited. Med folk fra Magnetix og The Shrines er King Khan i fornemt selskab med sit sammenbragte punkrock familiekollektiv, som med analog melodisk punkrock bringer tankerne tilbage til tonerne fra hedengangne CBGB i New York!
Og som anmelderne siger:
“King Khan’s brand new incarnation is not simply a “slab of pure punk rock mayhem”. Their new album Opiate Them Asses addresses a smorgasbord of topics ranging from Vice President Mike Pence’s affinity for Gay Conversion through electrocution, the plague of Narcissism rotting the fabric of humanity, Al Capone’s Syphilis, the King’s problem of occasional bedwetting and the evils of Monsanto. King Khan not only shares his very poignant social criticisms but he wraps them around a very solid foundation of classic punk influenced by The Ramones, Dead Boys and Electric Eels.”