Vi har fået påbud fra kommunen om, at vi ikke længere må spille højt til koncerter - i praksis vil vi ikke længere kunne spille livemusik, hvilket er grundlaget for vores driftstøtte og eksistens.

Nabobygningen er opført med utilstrækkelig lydisolering, og under byggeriet advarede vi om, at det kunne føre til problemer, og det er nu gået i opfyldelse.

Vi har en underskriftskampagne her -


We have received a request from the municipality, stating that we can no longer play loud music at concerts - this means in practice that we can no longer play livemusic, which is the bedrock of our existence.

The neighboring apartments have bad sound isolation, which is something we warned about, when they constructed it.

There is a signature campaign here -


Throughout the past 40 years, many people have had personal and shared experiences at 1000fryd!

We want to save 1000fryd, because it is full of history and it contributes greatly to the cultural life in Aalborg.

Saturday the 28th of October 2023 / kl 12:00 / GRATIS entre
Bevar 1000Fryd - Activist Action!!

Facebook Event

It's time to save 1000Fryd! Take part on our activism!

This Saturday from 12:00!

Bring your smile, your creativity, and your pissed-off DIY energy!

This is a great opportunity to try activism for the 1st time, so come and feel the energy of a room full of people who really care.

*Everyone's welcome, not just existing activists!!!*
Invite your mates, your parents, your pet parrot and your invisible friend!
There's lots we can do to make some noise, gain sympathy, and make people notice. Here are our ideas so far:
* Bake cake for this Saturday ❤
* Contact list for journalists, politicians, culture people, etc.
* Memory wall / print out nice FB comments
* Writing workshop (complaints, letter-to-the-editor, best memories)
* Design stickers, badges, flyers, t-shirts, etc.
* Produce stickers, badges, flyers, t-shirts, etc.
* Banner
* Contact other culture places to ask if we can send stickers etc. or if they can help spread the message
* Signature collection
* Put the sign in the street
* Public FB- support group

If you see anything that you're good at / would enjoy / seems important, then YOU can make it happen. We'll break out into groups focusing on each project, so you'll share in the ownership of whatever you end up doing. That's the grassroots 1000Fryd way!
I'm sure everyone at 1000Fryd is incredibly grateful for the crazy love we're already seeing.
If you show up then YOU'RE THE BEST and will be a part of this awesome history that will hopefully keep on keeping on for another 40 years and beyond.